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Accessories - Foam Strips

Shop from our range of expanded foam infill strips.

Profiles include corrugated, trimdek and more. Order now for FAST delivery.

Seals your roof against weather, dust and those pesky pests entering your roof cavity!

Prices include GST and are prices are per strip. 

Let us know if we can help in any way 📞 1300 886 944 or  📧 sales@metalroofingonline.com.au


When fitting different profile COLORBOND® steel or ZINCALUME® steel roof sheets, it's a complete job when using the available accessories. 

Simply push the associated sheet profile foam infill strip in between the gaps, with a flat spatula or your fingers. 

These foam infill strips are available for postage or added to your roofing order.

If the foam strips are only required, simply select your requested postage option in the check out: standard or express postage. 

Let us know if we can help in any way 📞 1300 886 944 or  📧 sales@metalroofingonline.com.au